Monday, June 13, 2011

One day at a time

I'm back! It's going to be a no picture post again! I have some that need to be uploaded, but I'm lazy at the moment, and the truth is, I already took a one week break from the "a picture, a post, a day", haha! I will get back to it, soon. Probably going to restart from day 1. Just bear with me, we'll make it to day 365 one day.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 2

I'm back for a second consecutive day. Let's see how long this can last before I get bored and give up. Turns out, I don't really know too much about photography, hopefully, these picture and posts a day will help me improve.

06/02/11-Day 2- On the floor lays a little power outlet. "Take a picture of me", it said, "So that I won't be forgotten when I'm replaced."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Challenge finished! The scarf/shawl was gifted! (The picture isn't so good) Now that everything is done, life seems so empty, so I figured I need something to do. So remember way back when, when I decided to do the photograph a day challenge? I'm going to go back to that. Starting today. A picture a day, a post a day.
06/01/11- Day 1- Part of my backyard at home. I like how the rusty fan cover looks. Haha!