Recently, there was talk of ghosts and spirits, how befitting a topic for friday the 13th. When I was younger, I played this Chinese version of Ouija, known as "Wan Die Xian 玩碟仙" (literally "playing with cup spirits"). It's quite similar to Ouija, except the "board" was just a piece of paper with Chinese characters written on it. As most of us involved were quite young (say 7-9) and couldn't understand the Chinese characters, different things were written on the paper, I believe there was some asian-american fusion happening on that paper, haha. My older cousin (lots older) wrote the paper and I believe we played with a coin. Oh boy, did the coin move and accurately answer some of my test questions. Eventually, we got scared or bored, probably more scared as we were young and gullible, and stopped. My older cousin had to leave the house to rip up the paper so that the spirits wouldn't see. He told us he got a nosebleed after ripping up the paper, but we don't know if it's true or not as we didn't see. We never played again.