Friday, October 21, 2011


It's been a while. (Again!) I was going to post something sooner, honestly, but one thing lead to another and now it's late october. I've been busy and sophisticated lately, hahaha, but I'm back for a bit.
I went to a farm recently! Yes, a farm, it's a tiny little farm, but it's a farm. I haven't been to one before. They had sheeps, cows, pigs, hayrides and a corn maze. It was mainly for the corn maze. The corn maze was fun, until some random lady we met came and bragged about how she and her kid finished the maze in about 20 mins. (Big whoop! so what if we took longer?) Anywho, we went on a somewhat awkward hayride. There wasn't much people on it and the tour guide person just sat silently in one corner. Awkward! That was about it for the farm, as I've mentioned, it's a tiny little thing. I took pictures (they are below). Funny thing about the pictures, I was going to upload them the week we went to the farm, but being me, I accidentally "lost" the sd card in the cd drive, and had to crack open the laptop to get it back. Thus, I forgot about the pictures until today. So without further ado, I present to you the farm...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Still Around

Hi All! I'm still around! It's been a little over a month since I've last been here, but I'm still good and happy. (Thanks for asking! Haha!) So what brings me here? Well, Harry Potter, of course. Today is the opening day of the last Harry Potter movie, and although I don't like the movies as much, it still sad to see the ending to the series. I grew up with Harry Potter. He was older than me when I first began reading and I was older than him when the series ended. It was a good read to me no matter what others say. All those good old summer rainy days with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Hogwarts. And now, the last movie is here, no more waiting for the next one, be it books, or movies. There's always Harry Potter land though. haha!

Monday, June 13, 2011

One day at a time

I'm back! It's going to be a no picture post again! I have some that need to be uploaded, but I'm lazy at the moment, and the truth is, I already took a one week break from the "a picture, a post, a day", haha! I will get back to it, soon. Probably going to restart from day 1. Just bear with me, we'll make it to day 365 one day.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 2

I'm back for a second consecutive day. Let's see how long this can last before I get bored and give up. Turns out, I don't really know too much about photography, hopefully, these picture and posts a day will help me improve.

06/02/11-Day 2- On the floor lays a little power outlet. "Take a picture of me", it said, "So that I won't be forgotten when I'm replaced."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Challenge finished! The scarf/shawl was gifted! (The picture isn't so good) Now that everything is done, life seems so empty, so I figured I need something to do. So remember way back when, when I decided to do the photograph a day challenge? I'm going to go back to that. Starting today. A picture a day, a post a day.
06/01/11- Day 1- Part of my backyard at home. I like how the rusty fan cover looks. Haha!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm Knitting Again!

Challenge: 4 balls of yarn (~1000 yds) into a scarf/shawl thing (21' by 55')
Time: 6 days to complete
My knitting rate: not so fast (~10 inches/day, give or take 5 inches)

Challenge Accepted! (haha)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Friday the 13th!

Recently, there was talk of ghosts and spirits, how befitting a topic for friday the 13th. When I was younger, I played this Chinese version of Ouija, known as "Wan Die Xian 玩碟仙" (literally "playing with cup spirits"). It's quite similar to Ouija, except the "board" was just a piece of paper with Chinese characters written on it. As most of us involved were quite young (say 7-9) and couldn't understand the Chinese characters, different things were written on the paper, I believe there was some asian-american fusion happening on that paper, haha. My older cousin (lots older) wrote the paper and I believe we played with a coin. Oh boy, did the coin move and accurately answer some of my test questions. Eventually, we got scared or bored, probably more scared as we were young and gullible, and stopped. My older cousin had to leave the house to rip up the paper so that the spirits wouldn't see. He told us he got a nosebleed after ripping up the paper, but we don't know if it's true or not as we didn't see. We never played again.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Itsy Bitsy Spider...

Spiders, I don't like spiders. They're nasty little things crawling all over the place and making cobwebs in every crevice and corner. Despite those things, there's something about spiders. Their webs to catch their prey, their ability to defy gravity, their venom to kill, but in the end, they're just spiders that can be killed with the whack of a rolled up book.

Monday, April 4, 2011

I Can Cook

Well, I can cook more than just pasta now, but it's still a secret to some people (mainly my parents). Why's it a secret? Well, if you can cook, people will ask you to do it, then you'll have another burden thrown at you ("Cook for me! I'm hungry!"). I cook with a bunch of people once a week. It's usually a fun affair.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Not too many words, just pictures

I used to walk to school, a 40 min walk, but a pleasant walk. I enjoy the air, the trees, and the space. I have always wanted to capture my walk. It's a scenic enough path, no people, hardly any cars, loads of houses, but most of all, lots of trees. Recently, I took the walk again with my camera this time, so pictures:

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy 3.14 day

Happy Pi day everyone! It's not really a holiday that I celebrate, but I figured why not acknowledge it since we can never get enough holidays anyways. Life has been good lately, I've been getting things done almost everywhere: experiments are (well, were) working, books are being read, Foundation by Isaac Asimov and The Child in Time by Ian McEwan, pictures are getting taken, well, not really, I've been procrastinating, but I managed to get a few in the past month, I'll try harder, and well life has just been good lately, oh, learned to cook a bit, too, mostly pasta. I think the only hobby that I have that hasn't been moving is the knitting and crocheting bit. Somehow, I always want to make something, but when I get to it, something always seems to be off, I don't have the right yarn, the needles are being used or I just don't want to get started. Oh wells, think about that some other time, in the mean time, here are the few pictures I managed in the past month.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Picture diarrhea

As the title of this post indicates, it's mostly going to be pictures, not much words. Turns out I've been a bit picture constipated, nearly three weeks since I've put anything here, so without further ado, I present to you pictures from the past two weeks...

On a side note, I managed to finished Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice found there. It appears I'm making progress everywhere these days. Yay me!